poetry & art about love & living our right lives

News & Thoughts

Inner and Outer Beauty

For a long, long time I have created art and written poetry as a way of working through my emotional, spiritual and relational difficulties. I am thankful that my suffering is not as acute as it once was. There was a point where it seemed the circumstances in my life conspired to trigger me into a healing process. Things got really difficult to the point where I could no longer worm or trick my way around dealing with my inner wounding. It was a process of several years where it went deeper and deeper and I felt utterly swallowed up by it. Towards the beginning of this process (where there was no turning back) I read a book on codependency, I think it was a book by Charles Whitmore, and in it he said something about the healing process taking around eight years. I remember reading: “eight years” and FREAKING out. You can heal a broken bone in as little as 6-8 weeks. How could it be possible to endure eight consecutive years of this pain to heal my invisible inner broken bones?!

Well, to some degree at least, I seem to have made it! I hope for my new work to show some glimmers of light out of all that darkness. I’m grateful for an artistic practice - especially when I’m actually active in that process - as a companion in my life. I hope that my sharing about the process and the fruits of that process can be of help to some. All I know is that it’s important to keep going and to have faith. Sometimes the road home can be very long.

Lisa Chun